Orders & Returns FAQ

About Order

Q: The package has been shipped, but I haven't received it for several days. What should I do?

A: If you have received the express number of the package we sent, you can go to our [Express Number Inquiry] to track the package details. If not, you can contact us via WhatsApp - 60-137861449 or click on the WHATSAPP icon in the lower right corner , and we will reply you as soon as possible.


Q: How should I pay for my order?

A: Our website currently only supports Online Transfer payment methods. If you are making an international payment, please use PayPal.

Q:Is your website secure?

A: You can rest assured that shopping with us is safe. We use the latest security systems and encryption software to keep your personal details (such as name, address and bank details) safe.

Q: What should I do if I receive a wrong or damaged product?

A: We are sorry to hear that you received the wrong or damaged product. Please contact us as soon as possible and we will respond and contact you as soon as possible to resolve your issue.

Q: Can I modify the order content?

A: Once you place an order, you cannot modify any details. Our warehouse team will receive the order directly and have started processing your order. Refunds and exchanges are not supported.

About Returns

Return Policy

  • Since all products in this store are handmade and customized, no returns or refunds are accepted for any products.

Exchange Policy

  • If you find quality problems or non-human damage after receiving the product, you can apply for a replacement within 10 days after receiving the product.
  • If the product you receive is severely damaged, there is no need to go through the exchange process . We will directly resend the product to the customer. Please contact us within 5 days of receiving the package.
  • Exchanged items must be in unused condition and intact packaging.
  • When exchanging goods, if the original product is out of stock or discontinued, customers can choose a product of equal value for exchange.

Exchange Process

  • Customers need to contact us via WHATSAPP / GMAIL first, provide the order number and reason for return or exchange.
  • Items that customers wish to exchange must be unused and returned in their original packaging.
  • After receiving the exchanged product, we will inspect it within 3 working days and process the exchange after confirming that it is correct.
  • Exchange items will be shipped within 3 working days after confirmation.


  • When exchanging goods, the customer is responsible for the return shipping costs.
  • Any damage caused by improper use, poor storage or human factors will not be covered by the exchange.
  • The final right of interpretation of this regulation belongs to our store.